A would-be carjacker has come unstuck after failing to break into a Tesla because he didn't know how to use the door handles.

Footage from the dashcam of the electric vehicle (EV) was posted to the Facebook group Kiwi EV Adventures on Wednesday and shows a man in New Zealand trying to enter the car.

The balaclava-clad man was seen jumping out of the driver's side of a white Nissan when both cars were stopped at traffic lights.

He then ran over to the Tesla, with the EV's cameras switching from the rear angle to a side angle.

Dressed in a Michael Jordan blue hoodie along with tradie pants and boots, the man banged with his fist several times on the driver's window.

In the terrifying incident, he then pounded on the Tesla again before trying to open the door handle.

But that was when he came unstuck, as he's seen grabbing and fumbling at the door several times before realising there was no protruding handle.

The man then punched the door handle a few times, to no avail.

After knocking aggressively on the window again and gesturing for the occupant to get out, the man can then be seen giving up as the Tesla starts to drive away.  

Independent motoring journalist Gavin Shoebridge, who runs the Facebook page, wrote: 'This Hamburglar tried and failed to carjack a Tesla in New Zealand last night.'

'His sausage fingers couldn’t grasp the retracted door handles,' he said. 

'It’s not the first time those clever handles have prevented crime. Good job, Tesla.'

Tesla door handles retract automatically after one minute if you do not use them and do not open like a regular vehicle.

Tesla advises on its website: 'Use your thumb to push the wide part of the door handle. The handle pivots toward you, and you can open the door by pulling the handle or pulling the edge of the door.' 

Tesla also has other security features that make stealing the cars more difficult, including their cameras, reported

‘Sentry Mode’ uses cameras - front-facing, rear, and side - and other sensors to scan the surroundings for potential threats.'

However, the security also has a flip-side, with some owners discovering they're not able to get out of their car.

A US TikToker was stuck in her Tesla for 40 minutes during a software update as temperatures in the car reached 46C, reported Business Insider

And a 20-month old girl was trapped inside a Tesla during a heatwave in the US state of Arizona, after the car's battery died without giving any warning.

New Zealanders commented on social media that Tesla was a bad choice for any car-jacker. 

'Stealing a car that is GPS tracked, has eight cameras recording and the owner has the ability to stop the car from their app on their phone is peak dumb,' one wrote.

'Breaking into a Tesla in a traditional way is near impossible,' another said.

Another person added: 'The windows are all laminated glass, and it locks when you drive. You’d need a sledgehammer and a few minutes to get in.'

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