We get the details on all of the improvements straight from two of the company's top managers.

When I received Rivian's invitation to attend the First-Drive event for its second-generation 2025 R1S and R1T, my first instinct was to chuckle at the fact that they were calling them "Gen 2" and not just a "refresh" or an "update."

However, when I arrived at the event and learned how much the vehicles improved, I began to understand why Rivian bills them as an entirely new generation of electric trucks. As the event went on and I had the opportunity to speak with Rivian product experts and drive the vehicles on-road, off-road, and on-track at the Pacific Raceway, it became clear this was more than the typical mid-cycle refresh—much more. 

(Full Disclosure: Rivian provided travel and lodging to Seattle along with other journalists for the First Drive event of the second-generation R1T and R1S.)

I've owned a 2022 Rivian R1T and sold it when I got the chance to upgrade to a 2023 R1S, so I know both vehicles inside and out. That said, I'm really surprised that Rivian was able to make so many major upgrades after only two years of production.

That's great news for those interested in purchasing a new Rivian, but current owners, myself included, are going to feel like we've got old tech once they get the opportunity to check out the 2025 R1 models. 

There's also an optional electrochromic glass roof that darkens at the touch of a button, which, coming from a current Rivian owner, is a welcome addition. 

While at the first drive event, I had the opportunity to spend some time inside a new R1S with Greg Dachner, Rivian's R1 vehicle line director, and Wassym Bensiad, Rivian's VP of Software. I recorded our conversations and asked both men to explain the R1 upgrades and why they were necessary. 

Check out the video and let us know what you think about the new "Gen 2" R1 vehicles in the comments. 

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Source: State Of Charge

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